敵の狙い・灰狼の学級 The Enemy's Aim (Ashen Wolves)
教室・アビス 昼
Abyssian Classroom | Daytime
バルタザール: なあ、ユーリス。お前がここに来た理由を聞いていいか?
Balthus: Hey, Boss. Been meaning to ask―how'd you end up down here in Abyss?
ユーリス: 何だ、藪から棒に。
Yuri: What is this, some sort of interrogation?
ハピ: そういえばユリーって言いたがらないよね。ハピだって体質の話、したのにさ。
Hapi: Yeah, you've never been big on sharing. I mean, you know all about me, and there's still so much I don't know about you.
バルタザール: 他人に言いたくねえ話だとは思うが……どうしても気になることがあってよ。
Balthus: Look, I get it. Talking about the past isn't easy. But I'm curious, yeah? So get to it. I've got all day.
ユーリス: ……まあ、話さねえってわけにもいかねえか。
Yuri: Do you now? Heh heh. Well. I guess now's as good as a time as any to tell you.
I'm here because I killed some people from the church.
コンスタンツェ: !?貴方……!
Constance: That cannot be!
Choice 1: どういうこと? What do you mean by that?
Choice 2: 教団に恨みが? You have a grudge against the church?
ユーリス: ンなもんあるかよ。……そもそも誰が好き好んで殺しなんてしてえと思うか。
Yuri: Of course I don't. What kind of person do you think I am? Someone who'd willingly kill others?
ユーリス: 俺は、もともとローベ伯爵の養子として、上の士官学校で生徒をやってたんだが……
Yuri: Originally, I attended the academy as Count Rowe's adopted kid.
There came a point when the church ordered me to wipe out some members from my old gang. Told me it was part of some important mission.
コンスタンツェ: 昔の仲間って……どういうことですの?
Constance: Who is this "old gang" you speak of?
ユーリス: ……お前らからすれば、賊、と十把一絡げにされるような奴らさ。
Yuri: They were nothing more than common thieves to someone like you, Constance.
Anyway, they're like family to me, so naturally I protested my orders. Things got pretty heated and, well...the rest is history.
バルタザール: こうさ、って……お前な。よくもまあ、処刑されなかったもんだ。
Balthus: That's some story, pal. You're damn lucky they didn't execute you.
ユーリス: アルファルドさんが口を利いてくれたんだ。情状酌量の余地があるってさ……
Yuri: Heh, you're telling me. Aelfric stepped in and implored them to spare my life, told them to consider the circumstances.
It's not so different for the rest of you. I'm sure he helped all of us out in different ways.
ハピ: あー、うん。ハピは修道院の地下牢に入れられそうだったんだよね。
Hapi: He did. I was about to be thrown in the monastery's underground jail...
People thought I was dangerous, what with my "gift" and all.
It's dark and dingy here, but it sure beats a prison cell. Elfie really saved my neck.
コンスタンツェ: ……それで、バルタザール。どうしても気になることというのは何ですの?
Constance: Back to the point―Balthus, what was it you were so curious about?
You had ideas regarding why our enemies may be clawing after the chalice, perhaps?
バルタザール: いや、そこまでじゃねえ。だがレアさんの話が引っかかってな。
Balthus: Nah, nothing like that. But I am hung up on something Rhea said.
That binding on the chalice was linked to the Four Apostles, yeah? I know I've got Chevalier's―
リンハルト: ちょっといいかな。
Linhardt: Sorry, but mind if I cut in?
ハピ: 何?今、大事な話してるんだけど。
Hapi: What is it? Can't you see we're busy?
リンハルト: いやあ、使徒の名前を思い出してね。
Linhardt: I can. But I just remembered something. Something important. Specifically, the names of the Apostles.
Aubin, Chevalier, Noa, and Timotheos. The four apostles whose bloodlines were lost to time.
I figured the Ashen Wolves might have thoughts about all that.
コンスタンツェ: ………………。
Constance: Uh... Mm...
バルタザール: ……コンスタンツェ、今更隠すな。おれはシュヴァリエの大紋章を持ってる。
Balthus: No use hiding it now, Constance. Let's lay all of our cards on the table. As for me, I've got the Major Crest of Chevalier.
When I enrolled at the academy, the church ordered me to keep that tidbit to myself. So I did.
ユーリス: ……俺はオーバンの大紋章だ。どこから来たもんかはさっぱりわからねえけど。
Yuri: Mm-hm. And I've got the Major Crest of Aubin. Never did sort out how I have this thing.
コンスタンツェ: 私の家系は、聖ノアの血脈を繋いできましたわ。帝国にも隠しながら……
Constance: As for me, the blood of Saint Noa courses through my veins. This is kept hidden, even from the Empire.
ハピ: ? てことは、ハピがティモテ?珍しい紋章持ちって言われた気はするけど。
Hapi: Which probably means mine's from Timotheos. I do have a vague recollection of being told my Crest is rare.
エーデルガルト: ……失われたはずの4つの紋章が、この学級に集められたのね。
Edelgard: So the four Crests, which were presumed lost, have all been gathered into the same house.
クロード: それも、おそらくは他ならないアルファルドさんによって、な。
Claude: All thanks to our buddy Aelfric, it would seem.
ディミトリ: だが……アルファルド殿は誘拐された。それは、なぜだ?
Dimitri: And now Aelfric has been abducted. Why could that be?
If it was the chalice they were after, they could have stolen it from us without the need for anything sly.
バルタザール: アルファルドさんも誰かに脅されてたか、仲間割れでもしてるのか……。
Balthus: Maybe someone had it out for him. Or maybe he messed around with the wrong people.
ユーリス: あるいは、本当に偶然だったのかもな。俺たちは結果から逆算しちまってるが……
Yuri: Or it could just be unrelated entirely. We're trying to untangle this mess by tying more knots into it.
I mean, Balthus, you landed here on accident, didn't you? It's not like that's linked to the rest of us.
And I could just as easily have never ended up down here, you know? You're jumping at shadows.
Anyway, we don't have time for this. Let's get our act together and head for the chapel ruins.